The following list of questions has been assembled to provide you with information on Republican Party elections in Alaska and also on the Alaska Republican Party Convention process. That process begins at district conventions in March and ends at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL on August 27th-30, 2012. It is at the Republican National Convention that a Republican Presidential Candidate is chosen.  That candidate, and their chosen Vice-Presidential running mate, will then appear on the ballot for the nationwide general election on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is the Presidential Preference Poll? 
  2. Who is eligible to vote in the Alaska Presidential Preference Poll (PPP)?
  3. Where can I find a voter registration form?
  4. How does the Presidential Preference Poll work?
  5. How can I find out which district I am in?
  6. Can I vote at a polling place in another district?
  7. How does Redistricting affect the Presidential Preference Poll?
  8. What is a convention?
  9. What happens at a convention?
  10. What is a delegate and what do they do?
  11. Do I have to attend a convention in person in order to participate?
  12. When is the district convention?
  13. Who is eligible to vote at a district convention?
  14. Who is eligible to vote at a state convention?
  15. Who is eligible to vote at the national convention?
  16. How are district delegates chosen?
  17. How much are the delegate registration fees for the District 6 Convention?
  18. How will my district convention delegate fees be used?
  19. What is the Presidential Preference Poll?
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  1. What is the Presidential Preference Poll (PPP)?
    The Presidential Preference Poll is similar to a Republican statewide primary election, but it is run by the Republican Party instead of the Alaska Division of Elections. The results determine how many votes Alaska will give to each candidate during the selection of a Republican Presidential Nominee in August.

  2. Who is eligible to vote in the Alaska Presidential Preference Poll (PPP)?
    Any Alaska voter is eligible to vote in the PPP. If their name does not appear on a current list of Republican voters at the polling place, they will be asked to fill out a voter registration form and register as a Republican. New voters and voters who are currently registered in any manner other than Republican are also required to fill out a voter registration form and register as a Republican. 
  3. Where can I find a voter registration form?
    Voter registration forms will be available at all polling places. They are also generally available at courthouses, libraries, and U.S. Post Offices. Voters can also register to vote on the Alaska Division of Elections Website.

  4. How does the Presidential Preference Poll work?
    On Election Day, Alaska Republican voters will vote for one of four candidates for Republican Presidential Nominee, or may choose to vote "Unpledged/Undecided". Each district will tabulate the total number of votes cast by Republican voters in that district. The percentage of votes for each candidate in each district will then be used to determine how many of Alaska's Delegates to the Republican National Candidate will vote for each candidate.

  5. How can I find out which district I am in?
    The Alaska Redistricting Board has provided maps of each of the new state house districts. Please review the maps to determine what house district you live in. A helpful tool to assist in quickly identifying your house district is available on the Alaska Republican Party Website. By entering your address on that site, you will receive an approximation of which house district you are in. You should then open the applicable map for that house district to confirm the information you received on the website. In the event of a conflict, the map is the more accurate reference. If, after looking at the map, you remain uncertain which district you live in, the Alaska Division of Elections has provided written descriptions of each district that can be used to ascertain exactly which district is yours.

  6. Can I vote at a polling place in another district?
    Yes. Any Alaskan voter can vote at any polling place in the state, and Alaskans in Washington DC on Election Day may vote at a polling place there as well. Votes cast in a district other than the district in which you live will be counted separately from the ballots cast by voters from within that district.

  7. How does Redistricting affect the Presidential Preference Poll?
    For purposes of the PPP and your local Republican district convention, your district will be one of the new districts approved by the Alaska Redistricting Board in their Proclamation of Redistricting on June 13, 2011.
  8. What is a Convention?
    A convention is an official meeting of the Republican Party in your area. They are held once every two years. There are two conventions in Alaska; the convention that takes place in your local house district in March, and the state convention that takes place in Anchorage in April.

  9. What happens at a convention?
    A convention is when local members of the Republican Party come together to let their voice be heard. At a convention Republicans elect their party leadership, develop the platform and bylaws of the party, and consider the adoption of convention resolutions. It is at a convention that the delegates pledged to each candidate through the PPP process are chosen.

  10. What is a delegate and what do they do?
    A delegate is a voting member of a convention. In the current process there are delegates at a state house district convention and there are delegates elected from those conventions to the state convention in Anchorage.

  11. Do I have to attend a convention in person in order to participate?
    No. Most district conventions in Alaska provide for telephonic access to the convention. And even those who do not normally setup a teleconference usually make accommodation for individuals who are not able to be physically present at their district convention. Each district handles telephonic participation in it's own way. Telephonic participation is not currently an option for participation in the state convention.

  12. When is the district convention?
    Each district sets the date of its convention to fall sometime between March 6th and March 24th, 2012. The District 6 Convention will take place on Saturday, March 10th, 2012. Registration will begin at 8am, the convention will begin at 10am, and registration will close promptly at 11am.

  13. Who is eligible to vote at a district convention?
    Any Alaska voter may attend and vote as a delegate at a district convention, provided that they are a Republican or register as a Republican on the day of the convention. In order to register to vote you must be at least 18 years old, be an American citizen, and reside in Alaska. In order to vote as a delegate you must register at your district convention no later than one hour after the convention is scheduled to begin and must pay your delegate registration fee. If you are not on the list of currently registered Republicans in your district, you will be asked to fill out a voter registration form when you register at your convention.

  14. Who is eligible to vote at a state convention?
    Those who are elected as delegates to the state convention represent your district as voting members at the state convention. In order to be a state convention delegate you must first be a district convention delegate.

  15. Who is eligible to vote at the national convention?
    Those who are elected to be one of Alaska's 27 delegates to the national convention represent Alaska as voting members of the Republican National Convention. In order to be a national convention delegate you must first be a delegate to the Alaska State Convention.

  16. How are district delegates chosen?
    Republican voters automatically become delegates when they take part in their district convention.

  17. How much are the delegate registration fees for the District 6 Convention?
    The cost to register as a delegate at the District 6 Convention is $20 on the day of the convention and $15 if you confirm your registration in advance. District 6 & 11 have set delegate fees the lowest of any district in the state so that all of the members of our respective districts have the opportunity to participate in this important event.

  18. How will my district convention delegate fees be used?
    Registration fees at the district convention will be used to rent the school facilities, provide lunch for all convention participants that attend in person, and pay for costs associated with setting up and running the Presidential Preference Poll. Yes, it's a tight budget. They don't call us fiscal conservatives for nothing.

  19. What is the Presidential Preference Poll
    The Presidential Preference Poll is similar to a Republican statewide primary election, but it is run by the Republican Party instead of the Alaska Division of Elections. The results determine how many votes Alaska will give to each candidate during the selection of a Republican Presidential Nominee in August.
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